2011. szeptember 20., kedd

As We Said - Dark Heaven Podcast 6 (September 22)

I have been producin more seriously since 2o1o.
Now make dub-techno, minimal, experimental, deep house and a little bit jazz. My life is this, producin tracks in my own style and entertain lot of people.

It's great if you like me as people or like as producer. Let me tell it that i am "came from nothing" i did not get anything for free.. Worked hard, learnt a lot and i have experienced that success is coming continously. Couldn't be lazy, used my brain, mind flied, made my own style. Learn, learn and improve! This is the only way if somebody wants to get into the business. Don't forget to respect all supporters, dudes, friends and criticizers. They are keep you alive..

My goals in music: be unique.. be underground.. be myself.

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